Broca and Wernicke's Areas, The Angular Gyrus

These three parts of the brain are the only reason you can say "Broca's Area", understand that people around you just said "Wernicke's Area", and whisper "Angular Gyrus" in your head. Let me explain why.

Broca's Area is an area of your brain associated with the ability to form functional sentences and coherent speech. It is important to have a Broca's areas. In the case that you do not have a functioning Broca's Area (a Broken Broca), one's sentences become garbled and uncomprehendible.

Wernicke's Area is the area of your brain that allows you to comprehend speech uttered by others. It is important to have a Wernicke's Area. In the case that you do not have a functioning Wernicke's Area (a Warped Wernicke), one's ability to process speech is hindered and halted.

The Angular Gyrys is that little voice in your head, reading this sentence to you now.